Darlene Fowler's Science Classes


Contact Information:


706-253-1830 Ext. 309


About Mrs. Fowler:

I enjoy teaching junior high students and expect to have an outstanding year at PJHS. I look forward to working with my students and parents this year. I will do my best to ensure each student thrives in my class.

I received my bachelor's and master's degrees in middle grades education from the University of North Georgia (formerly NGCSU). My areas of concentration are Science and Math. I received my specialist's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Lincoln Memorial University. I am STEM and Gifted Certified.

I have worked in the Picken's County School District for the past 20 years and I was teacher of the year for the 2011 - 2012 school year.

I am married and have 3 children, who all went through the Picken's school system. I am proud of my school and county.



General Information:

Mrs. Fowler's Schedule

1st Block: 7th Honors Science

2nd Block: 7th Honors Science

3rd Block: 7th Science

4th Block: Science

5th Block: Planning


Classroom Expectations:

  1. Come in, go to your seat and start the warm up.
  2. Be quiet and attentive when I am teaching.
  3. You may discuss daily work with a peer -maintain social distancing.
  4. Ask for my help when you need it.
  5. Complete your own quiz/test (no peer help).

Distance Learning Expectations:

  1. Students attendance will be based on EITHER attending live classes OR watching instructional videos AND completing the assignments.
  2. Students are expected to complete all assignments within a week of the due date (late work will still be accepted within the 4.5 week grading period)
  3. Students are expected to communicate with the teacher at least once a week via email, video chat, etc. to check-in and let them know of any concerns/problems. Parent meetings with teachers will be conducted at least once per nine weeks.